问题:使用virtualenv搭建Django老项目,遇到Django:No module named MYSQLdb
You need to use one of the following commands. Which one depends on what OS and software you have and use.
- easy_install mysql-python(mix os)
- pip install mysql-python (mix os)
- apt-get install python-mysqldb(Linux Ubuntu, …)
- cd /usr/ports/databases/py-MySQLdb && make install clean(FreeBSD)
- yum install MySQL-python (Linux Fedora, CentOS …)【亲测可用】
For Windows, see this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/q/21440230/4646678
如果你全局可以安装mysql-python,把python目录 (默认C:/python27)下lib/site-package目录中的以下4个文件复制到你的虚拟环境的site-packages目录下,就可以了。
- MySQL_python-1.2.4-py2.7.egg-info(folder)
- MySQLdb(folder)
- _mysql_exceptions.py/.pyc/.pyo
- _mysql.pyd